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Ton Duc Thang University Held a Ceremony to Announce and Award the Decision on the Appointment of Associate Professor

On June 14, 2024, Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU) held a ceremony to announce and award the decision to appoint the title of Associate Professor to Dr. Le Duc Hien and Dr. Dang Thuy Dong.

Dr. Tran Trong Dao - President of TDTU, Dr. Vo Hoang Duy - Vice President of TDTU, Dr. Dong Si Thien Chau - Vice President of TDTU, leaders of units under TDTU, lecturers and researchers of the two units at which the Associate Professors are working and teaching attended the ceremony.

At the ceremony, Dr. Tran Trong Dao - President of TDTU congratulated the lecturers on their achievements. He also encouraged the lecturers to continue developing their abilities in supporting students, conducting scientific research, and developing study programs to grow together with TDTU and achieve more success.

At the ceremony, Associate Professor, Dr. Le Duc Hien and Associate Professor, Dr. Dang Thuy Dong expressed their honor at being appointed to the title of Associate Professor. They expressed their gratitude for the attention and assistance of the Presidential Board, colleagues, and university units. They also affirmed their responsibility to continue contributing to the academic activities of their units and the University in the future.

Associate Professor, Dr. Le Duc Hien is currently in charge of the Department for Management of Science and Technology Development, with 52 published scientific works, 33 articles in prestigious international journals categorized under Web of Science/Scopus, in most of which he is the main author. He has led two grassroots-level projects, two projects sponsored by the National Foundation for Science and Technology Development (NAFOSTED) as project leader (2021-2023), served as a key research member (2017-2019), and was the main implementing member of one ministerial-level science and technology project (2021-2023) along with many other scholarly contributions.

Associate Professor, Dr. Dang Thuy Dong is currently a researcher at the Institute for Advanced Study in Technology and Vice Chairman of the Science and Training Council of the Institute. She has published 57 scientific articles in international and national journals, and in domestic and international conference collections, including 27 ISI articles. She is the co-author of two textbooks and monographs, the head of three university-level scientific research projects, and the member of one NAFOSTED project.

Dr. Tran Trong Dao - President of TDTU awarding the appointment decision and giving flowers to the Associate Professor, Dr. Le Duc Hien

Dr. Tran Trong Dao - President of TDTU awarding the appointment decision and giving flowers to Associate Professor, Dr. Dang Thuy Dong

Associate Professor, Dr. Le Duc Hien and Associate Professor, Dr. Dang Thuy Dong in a group photo with TDTU Presidential Board

Associate Professor, Dr. Le Duc Hien and Associate Professor, Dr. Dang Thuy Dong in a group photo with staff at their units

Overview of the Ceremony to announce and award the appointment decision