- AUN-QA International Conference 2024 (AUN-QA IC 2024) (11-13/12/2024)
- International Conference on Applied Mathematics (ICAM 2024) (11-13/7/2024)
- The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Smart Materials and Structures 2024 (ASMaS 2024) (03-05/07/2024)
- The 4th International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS-4) (20-21/6/2024).
- The 3rd International Conference on Innovations in the Social Sciences and Humanities ( The 3rd ISSH 2024) (26-27/7/2024).
- The 4th International Conference on Environmental Technology and Innovations (ICETI 2023) (29-30/11/2023).
- The International Conference on Sport Science 2023 (ICSS 2023) (21-22/07/2023)
- The 5th Asia Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences (AsiaPharm V) (16 - 18/8/2023).
- International Conference on Financial Management and Economics 2023 (ICFME 2023) (04-05/07/2023)
- The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Smart Materials and Structures (ASMaS 2023) (28-30/06/2023).
- 2023 4th International Conference on Computer Vision and Computational Intelligence (CVCI 2023) and 2023 5th Asia Pacific Information Technology Conference (APIT 2023) (09-11/02/2023).
- English Scholars Beyond Borders - Ton Duc Thang University International TESOL Conference 2022 (ITC 2022) (09-11/12/2022).
- The 7th International Conference on Advanced Engineering: Theory and Applications 2022 (AETA 2022) (08-10/12/2022).
- The Seventh International Conference on Finance and Economics (ICFE 2022) (21-23/9/2022)
- International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications (ICMA 2022) (14-15/7/2022)
- Developing Intelligent Digital Libraries: International Experience - Proposed Solutions for Vietnam (DIDL 2022) (15/7/2022)
- International Conference on Blockchain and Advanced Financial Management 2022 (ICBAFM 2022) (23-24/6/2022)
- The 3rd International conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS-3) (04-05/5/2022)
- The 2nd International Conference on Innovations in the Social Sciences & Humanities 2021 ( ISSH 2021) (17-18/12/2021)
- The 3rd International Conference on Environment Technology and Innovation (ICETI 2021) (25-27/11/2021)
- The International Conference on Advanced Smart Materials and Structures (ASMaS 2021) (03-5/11/2021)
- The 6th International Conference on Finance and Economics (ICFE 2020) (18-19/11/2020)
- The 13th International Conference on Frontiers of Information Technology, Applications and Tools (FITAT 2020) (5-6/11/2020)
- The 3rd International Conference on Sustainable Development in Civil, Urban and Transport Engineering (CUTE 2020) (21-22/10/2020)
- International conference on sports science in 2019
- The 2019 Asia – Pacific Financial Management Association International Conference (FMA 2019)
- International conference on Innovations in Social Sciences & Humanities (ISSH 2019)
- The 5th NAFOSTED Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS) 2018
- International Conference on Vietnamese Studies: Globalization and its Impact on Teaching and Learning Vietnamese (ICVS 2018)
- International Conference on Mathematics (ICM 2018)
- Asia Conference on Machine Learning and Computing (ACMLC 2018)
- The 5th International Conference on Finance and Economics (ICFE 2018)
- The 2nd International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS-2)
- The 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Development in Civil, Urban and Transportation Engineering (CUTE 2018)
- The 4th International Conference on Advanced Engineering – Theory and Applications 2017 (AETA 2017)
- The 1st International Conference on Sport Management 2017 (ICSM 2017)
- The 4th International Conference on Finance and Economics (ICFE 2017)
- International Conference on Tourism and Marine Tourism (TMT 2017)
- International Conference in Environmental Finance (ICIEF 2017)
- The 1st International Conference on Environmental Technology and Innovations (ICETI 2016)
- International Conference on Education and Social Integration (ICESI 2016)
- International Conference on Applied Sciences (ICAS 2016)
- The First Asia Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences (AsiaPharm 1)
- The 1st International Conference on Language Development: Learning, Teaching, Researching, and Testing (ICLD 2016)
- 3rd International Conference on Finance and Economics (ICFE 2016)
- International Conference on Applied Mathematics in Engineering and Reliability (ICAMER 2016)
- International Conference on Sustainable Development of Civil, Urban and Transportation Engineering (CUTE 2016)
- International workshop on Environment and Climate change – Challenge, Response and Lesson learnt 2015
- Worker rights, Dispute Resolution and Legal Compliance in the global supply chain (WORDLRC 2015)
- The International Conference on Advanced Engineering – Theory and Applications 2015 (AETA 2015)
- 2nd International Conference on Finance and Economics (ICFE 2015)
- The 13th International Conference Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications (CISIM 2014)
- The International Workshop on Nuclear Science and Simulation in Fundamental and Applied researches (ISWNN 2014)
- The International Conference on Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM 2014)
- The International Conference on Finance and Economics (ICFE 2014)
- International Conference on East Sea Disputes (ICESDI 2014)
- The International Conference on Advanced Engineering – Theory and Applications 2013 (AETA 2013)
- Statistics & its Interactions with Other Disciplines (SIOD 2013)
- IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT 2012)
- International Conference On Advances In Computational Mechanics (ACOME 2012)
Co-organizing Conferences
- Seminar “Biomass processing in sub-critical water conditions for sustainable production of biofuels and chemicals”
- Workshop on Scopus introduction and applying Scopus in your research activities
- Seminar “New approach for materials synthesis”
- Prof. Tuan V. Nguyen gave the talk about “Research evaluation by Scientometrics”
- Seminar “How to select the appropriate ISI/Scopus journals in social sciences field”
- Seminar “TEM/SEM microscopy and related issues”
- Seminar “Description logics”
- Strong field and attosecond physics: progress and opportunities
- Materials science and nano particles
- Seminar “How to increase your scientific citations”
- Prof. Chia-Chu Chen gave the talk about “Neutrino Oscillation”
- Prof. Mai Suan Li talked about protein aggergation and related diseases
- Seminar "Screening and preventing of common diseases in the community"
- Seminar “Strategies for developing research and innovation capabilities at universities in Vietnam”
- Dr. Tran Manh Hung gave a talk about his scientific results in pharmacy
- Different ways to file a patent application
- “How to prevent cancer” by Professor Mong-Hong Lee from University of Texas