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Scene of the seminar

The seminar of Division of Data Science (DDS)

On  09 August 2018, Department for Management of Science and Technology Development of Ton Duc Thang University organized the seminar of Division of Data Science (DDS) of Ton Duc Thang University (TDTU).

The seminar was organized in an exciting atmosphere with many questions from TDTU’s lecturers and researchers.

In the seminar, the talk entitled “An efficient method for mining clickstream patterns” was presented. Recently, hybrid approaches, which combine an FP-tree-like data structure with an interaction-based approach, are efficient approaches for mining frequent itemsets. However, applying those approaches for sequential pattern mining arose some challenges. In this presentation, we introduce a hybrid approach for a specific version of sequential pattern mining, clickstream pattern mining, with our proposed B-List structure and SMUB algorithm. The seminar had ended successfully, and it promised to open up many collaborative research directions for lecturers and researchers of TDTU.

Photos of the seminar:




Scene of the seminar